Thursday 24 March 2011

Thursday 24th March 2011: All Products I have Created

These are all three products that I have created in this A2 Media Portfolio.

The First two pages of a Local Newspaper

Poster for Local Newspaper (A3)

Radio Advertisement for the Newspaper

Could readers please put their opinion on the following:
  • Whether or not the Newspaper Work is appealing, and would make you buy it?
  • Whether it is persuasive and the storys are realistic?
  • Would the Radio Advertisment attract you into buying the newspaper?
  • Does the Radio Advertisment and Promotional work give a Positive vibe to the Paper?
  • Is the 'Local' theme emphasized enough throughout all of the work?
  • Any other additional Comments you could make on the work.
Thank you.


  1. This newspaper work is presented in a well organised and reader friendly way. I find the stories featured are both realistic and entertaining whilst at the same time the radio advertisement and promotional work give an added dimension and high standard overall. As a result I would definitely be interested in purchasing this newspaper.

  2. the newspaper has a good brand image, and colours which make it appealing to me as a teenager. The newspaper is very realistic and provides a variety of techniques to entice and grip the reader. I would buy the newspaper from listening to the radio advertisement. The radio advertisement has high energy.

  3. The vibrant colors were nice and inviting for a younger demographic i thought, and i loved the radio ad. the most! It was all high energy and the 'local' point was emphasized enough. The stories were totally realistic and believable. Overall it was eye catching and attractive to teenagers i thought. :)

  4. Great work Luka, I would definantely buy the newspaper if I wanted local news as it definately presents the local theme well, as does the radio ad. Also the radio add keeps you listening and will definately attract people who want to read local news. The presentation of the paper is great with plenty to keep you interested and not too many adds to overcrowd it. Love it! :) Chad

  5. I think the newspaper is very appealing; the neat layout makes it easy to read and I like how the text was broken up with eye catching photographs. The stories are certainly realistic, and the type of thing you want to read about your local area. The radio advertisement was upbeat and would definitely encourage me to purchase the newspaper - I thought the local theme was emphasised well. Great job! :)
