Friday 4 March 2011

Friday 4th March 2011: A Look At Radio Advertisements.

Audio Work & A Look at Radio Advertisments

My next task is to create a radio advertisement for my Local Newspaper. It was difficult for me to find a source that had local newspaper advertisements. Although, I did find a number of radio advertisement examples on YouTube. Here are some that I have looked at and analyzed to find out the codes and conventions of radio advertisement, and to give a clear look on how mine will sound...

  • Background music seems almost sympathetic at the beginning, but then develops into a 'happy tone' of music, being appropriate to the subject matter.
  • The tone of the mans voice is understanding, as if he is on the side of the audience. He is emphasizing some of the words he uses, pointing out key words, like 'Honest' and 'Responsible' . This could transfer over to my newspaper advertisement by emphasizing words that could attract the audience to the paper.
  • Creating a personal affect for the listeners. Trying to hit home as to what he is saying, as if he is saying "we know how you feel, we understand", which would also relate to newspapers as the news being reported is local, and hits home saying "this could happen in the local community/area". Trying to reach a personal level.
  • Speaking quite casually, not forceful. "You will get pre-approved in about an hour". Trying to be reassuring to the audience.
  • Gives details, like phone number and website at the end. This could help audiences remember the details, so its not too much information to take in at the beginning, with the distraction of the advert afterwards.
  • The caption for the company; "Lending done right" is featured at the very end. This makes Audiences associate the caption with the company, therefore it is the last thing they hear and will remember.
  • The length of time for the advert is 1:02 secs. I will look at the timing for my advert when I look at what I plan on saying for the advertisement. I have found out that this seems to be the average time for radio commercials.
  • This advertisement takes a different approach to the first advertisement I have looked at. The advert uses a scenario, where the characters are discussing the product being advertised.
  • The background this time is not of Music, but of a stereotypical office noise, eg. Phones ringing, people around/chatting. This gives the audience an idea of the kinda of environment they are in.
  • Noises to describe what is happening in the scene are used, for example, the lady running off, you hear heels running away.
  • Towards the end of the advertisement, a jingle for the company is used, again, so the audience remembers the jingle, remembering the company.
  • At the very end of the advert, the number of the company is stated so people can find the nearest to them.
  • Again, the advertisement is 1:02 secs.

  • This advertisement consists of a male representing the product, and then showing the 'opinions' of the 'audiences'
  • The background firstly is cheering, clapping, etc, and the opinions are said over it.
  • The voices of the people from Texas and China, for example, are showed in a stereotypical way, as a representation of the people from that part of the worlds. This for me helps, because if I used an opinion based advert like this one, I would use somebody from the Local area I write about to speak for it, so it is a representation of that area.
  • Eventually, the opinions of the people fade into a song in the background, whilst the male is talking, and giving details of the product, ableing the audience to remember the advert and what the man is talking about.
I think I have given good examples on the kind of advertisement I can produce. I will now look at different scripts for my newspaper.

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