Friday 11 March 2011

Friday 11th March 2011: Scripting for my Newspaper advertisement.


After looking at the possible ways of going about my Radio Advertisement, I have thought about what my advert will say, and have considered the people to say it for me. On that part, I have concluded, that I am going to get a drama student who will be clear and confident enough to speak out and will be able to emphasize on the areas I want to stand out to the audience. I have decided that my advertisement will not have as much information on it as the previous I have looked at, (therefore it won't be aslong) so it will be approximately 30Seconds long.


"Local Girl Accepted into Top London School! Local Team moves up in League! Local Areas new Councilman! All your Local News featured in tomorrows big issue of The Daily Journal! Find out about new local businesses, local government news, special offers, and advertisements for products near you! Get it all for just £1 in The Daily Journal. Your Local Source for Local News!"

Here I have picked out key areas the are the most important for the advertisement, and used the newspaper caption as the last thing that is said, therefore audiences will remember the advert and automatically associate it with the newspaper.

Script #2

"The Daily Journal is your number one source for local news. Whether you want to here the latest success story, the safest neighborhoods in the town, or new business ventures, its all featured in The Daily Journal. For just one pound, sports, headlines, advertisements, and much more are featured everyday. The Daily Journal, Your Local Source for Local News"

Like Script #1, I have highlighted the areas where I think the words need emphasizing, to keep those key areas in the audiences minds.

Script #3

"The only newspaper that focuses on just local news is The Daily Journal. At The Daily Journal, we promise to deliver local, relevant, and important news right to your doorstep, for just one pound! Buy the Daily Journal in all local newsagents, The Daily Journal; Your Local Source, for Local News"

I think this piece really emphasizes the local theme of the newspaper. Again, I have highlighted important words that the speaker should emphasize on.


I have decided to go with Script 1. I think it gives alot of detail towards the newspaper, even including recent headlines, and different areas of the newspaper. I will be including music in the background, like shown in the advertisements I have previously looked at. It will be quite an energetic advertisement, with enthusiasm and upbeat music.

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