Monday 7 March 2011

Monday 7th March 2011: British Radio Advertisement

My previous analysis' for my Radio advertisements have all been American,and that was what was most available to me. I think it is relevant for my to look at a British radio advertisement as that is the accent that will be used in my advertisement, and more importantly, the local newspaper I have created is British.

  • Man at the beginning talking nonsense (seems almost like a stereotypical news reader voice), that seems irrelevant to the radio subject. This is done so the Audience remember the advertisement, therefore it means that they remember the company the advertisement was for. The voice is formal, straight and straight to the point.
  • The second voice is more relaxed, informal and reassuring.
  • Second voice is emphasizing words like "Financial" to get his point accross.
  • Like the previous advertisements I have looked at, the important details like the phone number, website, etc, are said at the end, so it is the last thing the audience remembers.
  • As well as the details, the advertisement (like the previous) also uses the company caption at the very end of the advert.
  • There is no sound in the background of the advert, so the mens voice are clear to the Audience.

  • This advert was featured on local radio stations around the area of Alton Towers.
  • The background sounds are appropriate to the theme of the advertisement, the theme/genre being Horror/Scary.
  • First of all, there is a man who plays out as if he has been to the event being advertised.
  • The mans voice then fades out and another mans voice comes into the advert and explains the event. Fairground type music is played in the background.
  • The Advert explains the dates of the event, then advertises the hotel as well.
  • Lastly, the caption for the theme park being advertised is used,so audiences remember, and the sponsor for the park is said, so there is an association between the two.

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