Monday 18 October 2010

Monday 18th October 2010: Layout Scans

Here are some layouts that I have drawn out for my Newspaper front cover. I have drawn out three different layouts that I may use, and I will choose at the end which I think is best suitable for my Local Newspaper:
Layout #1

I have featured all of the typical newspaper elements, including Masthead, Headlines, Bylines, Captions, Pictures, etc.
This Layout features an emblem (like shown on The Daily Post newspaper, in my Research) in the Masthead (the line below will feature the date and price).
A Quarter of the page will feature a story headline, with a picture.

The majority of the page will be taken up by the Main story. There will be the Headline, Subheadline, and byline. The story will then feature 5 columns, with a 'continued on page.." line in the bottom right hand corner. There will also be a colour picture (I will sketch the plan of the pictures, then scan into here) with a caption beneath.

Layout #2

Again, I have used all of the main elements of a newspaper.
I have made the main headline story in a bigger area, but only including two columns for the story, as well as a picture. I have featured a byline, and a sub headline, as well as 'continued' at the bottom of the page, with a caption underneath the picture.
Again, I have used a quater of the page for a different story, possoibly related to sports, with a picture.

Layout #3

In this layout, I have featured the main headline directly underneath the masthead. This could represent the story as big news, as there is no other news before it. It features 3 columns and a picture in colour.
Underneath the main headline, I have featured a section for another headline, possibly a smaller story, or part of the sports section. There will be just a headline and sub headline in this, with no article featured for continuation.

The layout I have chosen for my piece will be Layout #1. I have chosen this particular layout as i think it shows more depth into the main story I will feature, as well as a section for 'sports', which I am going to feature. The sketches for the pictures will be scanned into my blog, and analysed, explaining why I have decided this picture will be suitable for my newspaper.

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