Sunday 7 November 2010

Sunday 7th November 2010: Picture Planning/Sketches (Front Page)


These are the skeches for the planned photographs that will be featured on the front page of my Local newspaper. ( Sketches for my inside page will be later on in my blog)

First of all, this is my Logo for inside the masthead on my front page. The emblem will be done on computer, and then put onto the cover of the newspaper, titled "The Local"

Main Story Photograph

This is the picture that will feature with my Main Headline/Story. The Headline will be
"Local Girl accepted into London Drama School"
and the Sub-headline will be
"Roxanne of *location* attending London School For The Arts next Autumn"
This story will be developed in my second page of the newspaper I am creating. I think it is important that the main story on the front page is a local story, as it emphasizes the fact that it is a local newspaper. Particularly if it is of a young local, who is achieving something. It represents the youth of that area.

Sports Story Photograph

This picture will be a part of the 'Sports Section' of the front page, and will feature the heading
"Team triumphs to top of Local League", with
"Continued in Sports Section, Back Page" written underneath.
Again, I think it is important that I focus on Local team sports, as opposed to National.

I plan on taking these photographs with a digital camera. I will visit the Drama Department of my school, asking if anybody is willing to be photographed for my newspaper. I will also ask if I can photograph the Drama Studio, as a possible picture for the Second page of my newspaper.
For the sports picture, I will approach one of my friends who plays football, and ask if he will be photographed.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent progress Luka. Content and analysis is good, so far. It is marred a little by typo’s and small grammatical errors/spelling mistakes. Please either read through it carefully yourself or get someone else to proof read it for you.

    Eg “The story is about Darwin, so it is about History, as opposed to a Local News Story. It looks like it could be general knowledge.”
    Why was this in the news at the time? Darwin’s Bicentenary was Feb 12th 2009 The picture won’t enlarge for me to check its date.
