Thursday 18 November 2010

Thursday 18th November 2010: Photographs

These are the Photographs I have taken for my Main Story on the front page and my Article on the same Story, inside. I have taken a number of photographs to choose from,and I will decide which I think will be most suitable for my Newspaper. After I have chosen my Photographs, I will look at Fonts for the Mast Head, etc. The photographs are to illustrate the young, local girl, being accepted into a top drama school.

I think that this picture is most suitable for the front page, as it matches up perfectly with the headline.

The Mise-En-Scene of the picture is in a Drama Studio. I did this so it fits in with the story, and continues the theme. The girl in the picture is the local girl "Roxanne" who has been accepted into the London Drama School. She will be in each picture.

I have chosen this one because it is in Portrait format, which is more appropriate. Also I will crop the photo, to reduce headroom and remove background clutter.

I have included photographs of "Roxanne" acting in the drama studio, including other students. Again, with the mise-en-scene of the Studio.

I asked the students that were photographed in the picture to practice their play that they were working on, whilst I took pictures. I took a number of photographs, so I had a selection to choose from. I noticed on National News Channels that there was alot of flash photography when something interesting was happening, and discovered that photographers don't stop taking pictures to gain a choice of them for their report.

Additional Pictures

These pictures are additional pictures that will feature in my newspaper. The football is for the Sub Headline of the Sports Section on the front page, and the school is for the article, stating where 'Roxanne' goes to school.

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