Monday 18 October 2010

Monday 18th October 2010: Target Audience

Target Audience

After looking at my Codes & Conventions for Local Newspapers, I have concluded that my Target Audience for my Local Newspaper is, of course, going to be Local People in a Community.

Specific Audience

The specific audience for this newspaper is going to be All ages, but the article I will feature will be based on a Teenagers success, so it could appeal to them. After conducting my questionnaires, which were given to youth ages 14-21, I found that they didn't really think there was much news about teenagers, and what is going on in their community, so this is why I think the teenager front page story would be a good idea. I think it will attract the target audience if it was real, and the teenagers would see the story on the cover, seeing it is about success (which the questionnaires showed that Success was a common story in their local papers) and teenagers. I will also have a Sub-headline that will contain possibly sports, that will attract local sports fans. Overall, the Target Audience is local community, but the Specific Audience is Local Teens.

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