Sunday 13 February 2011

Sunday 13th February 2011: Poster Research/Codes & Conventions

My second task was to create a poster advertising my local newspaper. Here I have a few pictures of newspaper posters, which I will look at to see what the Codes & Conventions are, ready to design my own:

This poster is for a local newspaper, the "Crowthorne". As you can see, they have included the logo/masthead of the newspaper at the top, so it is recognizable to their audience. They have also included a web address beneath their caption. Beneath the masthead, they have their main headline to what could be their front page news on the actual newspaper. Beneath that, they have included a small picture of what the top of
the newspaper looks like, and a banner, with writing on, stating what they're
newspaper provides. Lastly, the date of the poster is stated at the bottom, as well as their price, and newspaper again.

This newspaper poster is alot simpler than the previous. By the looks of it, this newspaper could be more widely distributed than the previous one I have looked at. The story is more of a worldwide story, and the name of the newspaper isn't
representative to one place. It features the headline at the top, then the masthead/name of the newspaper at the bottom. This again could be because the newspaper is widely know, not much information is needed to be given.

I want to include the elements of both of these newspaper posters in my own design. I plan on drawing out different layout designs, then choosing which I think is the strongest.

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