Monday 21 February 2011

Monday 21st February 2011: Final Newspaper Poster Design

For my Poster design, I used the same fonts as I did in my Newspaper cover and article design, so it would be recognizable to the audience.

This was my first draft. As you can see, I have tried to keep the layout simple, as the posters I have looked at previously have a simple design. I didn't want it to be too complicated, as I want audiences to be able to quickly see and relate it to the newspaper "The Daily Journal". I wanted it to include information on the Newspaper and the latest Issue, therefore I used the bottom space to highlight the main stories of the newspaper.

When I completed this draft, I found that the font at the bottom was wrong. I also found that the red "This Week" doesn't fit in well with the rest of the page, therefore I decided to change it so the colour schemes fit, etc.

This is my final draft for the Poster design. As you can see I have made some changes from the previous draft. I have added in a shadow to highlight the local newspaper caption. I have also changed the fonts and colours around so it all fits in right, it still being kept simple, in-fitting with the codes and conventions, and the stereotypical look of newspaper posters.
This will be in A3 size.

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