Sunday 13 February 2011

Monday 14th February 2011: Layout Designs for Newspaper Posters

Layout Design Sketches For Newspaper Poster

Layout #1

This is a simple design, featuring the most recent headline (which is from my front page design) and the caption of the newspaper at the bottom, as well as the masthead. I want the font of the headline to be a different font from the masthead, so it stands out ,and I think the background of the caption writing should be in black, so the writing will stand out in white and be different to the rest of the writing.

Layout #2

This layout is more detailed than the previous. It gives more of an idea as to what is featured in the newspaper, with the caption, recent heading, and price. I will again, use different fonts for each section. The fonts will be the same fonts that I have included in my article and masthead, so they are recognizable to readers/audiences.

Layout #3

This is a simple design, stating the most recent headline of the newspaper, the name, and the newspaper caption. It doesnt give as much detail as the previous layouts, but it is simple for audience to see quickly, possibly in passing, and know that it is the Daily Journal Newspaper.

I have decided to go with layout #2. It gives more detail of the newspaper, like the price, etc and still manages to give the headline and the caption, which will make audience's associate this with the newspaper. The poster will be in A3 Size.

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