Friday 25 February 2011

Friday 25th February 2011: Next Task

My next task is to create an Radio Advertisement for my local newspaper. I will be looking at radio advertisements to see the Codes and Conventions, then I will be looking at how I can create my own using what I have learnt. I will script my advertisement, Finding somebody with a confident, clear voice, to use.

Monday 21 February 2011

Monday 21st February 2011: Final Newspaper Poster Design

For my Poster design, I used the same fonts as I did in my Newspaper cover and article design, so it would be recognizable to the audience.

This was my first draft. As you can see, I have tried to keep the layout simple, as the posters I have looked at previously have a simple design. I didn't want it to be too complicated, as I want audiences to be able to quickly see and relate it to the newspaper "The Daily Journal". I wanted it to include information on the Newspaper and the latest Issue, therefore I used the bottom space to highlight the main stories of the newspaper.

When I completed this draft, I found that the font at the bottom was wrong. I also found that the red "This Week" doesn't fit in well with the rest of the page, therefore I decided to change it so the colour schemes fit, etc.

This is my final draft for the Poster design. As you can see I have made some changes from the previous draft. I have added in a shadow to highlight the local newspaper caption. I have also changed the fonts and colours around so it all fits in right, it still being kept simple, in-fitting with the codes and conventions, and the stereotypical look of newspaper posters.
This will be in A3 size.

Sunday 13 February 2011

Monday 14th February 2011: Layout Designs for Newspaper Posters

Layout Design Sketches For Newspaper Poster

Layout #1

This is a simple design, featuring the most recent headline (which is from my front page design) and the caption of the newspaper at the bottom, as well as the masthead. I want the font of the headline to be a different font from the masthead, so it stands out ,and I think the background of the caption writing should be in black, so the writing will stand out in white and be different to the rest of the writing.

Layout #2

This layout is more detailed than the previous. It gives more of an idea as to what is featured in the newspaper, with the caption, recent heading, and price. I will again, use different fonts for each section. The fonts will be the same fonts that I have included in my article and masthead, so they are recognizable to readers/audiences.

Layout #3

This is a simple design, stating the most recent headline of the newspaper, the name, and the newspaper caption. It doesnt give as much detail as the previous layouts, but it is simple for audience to see quickly, possibly in passing, and know that it is the Daily Journal Newspaper.

I have decided to go with layout #2. It gives more detail of the newspaper, like the price, etc and still manages to give the headline and the caption, which will make audience's associate this with the newspaper. The poster will be in A3 Size.

Sunday 13th February 2011: Poster Research/Codes & Conventions

My second task was to create a poster advertising my local newspaper. Here I have a few pictures of newspaper posters, which I will look at to see what the Codes & Conventions are, ready to design my own:

This poster is for a local newspaper, the "Crowthorne". As you can see, they have included the logo/masthead of the newspaper at the top, so it is recognizable to their audience. They have also included a web address beneath their caption. Beneath the masthead, they have their main headline to what could be their front page news on the actual newspaper. Beneath that, they have included a small picture of what the top of
the newspaper looks like, and a banner, with writing on, stating what they're
newspaper provides. Lastly, the date of the poster is stated at the bottom, as well as their price, and newspaper again.

This newspaper poster is alot simpler than the previous. By the looks of it, this newspaper could be more widely distributed than the previous one I have looked at. The story is more of a worldwide story, and the name of the newspaper isn't
representative to one place. It features the headline at the top, then the masthead/name of the newspaper at the bottom. This again could be because the newspaper is widely know, not much information is needed to be given.

I want to include the elements of both of these newspaper posters in my own design. I plan on drawing out different layout designs, then choosing which I think is the strongest.

Saturday 12 February 2011

Saturday 12th February 2011: Final Newspaper Cover & Second Page Design

These are the Final designs for my Newspaper and Second Page.

I will evaluate both of these pieces, along with my newspaper poster and radio advertisement when everything is complete.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Wednesday 9th February 2011: Development of 2nd Page

Development of my Newspaper 2nd page

[Adding in headline]

[First picture added in, then sub headline]

[Second picture added in, deciding on layout]

[Change In Layout, swapping around the order of the photograph and story]

[Layout decided, byline added in before article]

[Wrote in the article, changing different fonts to fit the article and adding in a local business advertisement at the bottom. I thought it was best to advertise a local business rather than a National. It enhances the 'localization' of the newspaper]

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Tuesday 21st February 2011: Layout Sketches for Second Page

These are the layout mock-ups for my second page (which will be an article). I have taken different elements of the articles I have looked at previously and included them in these sketches.

Layout #1

Layout #2

Layout #3
I have decided to go with Layout #2 as I think it gives more detail into my story. It features two opictures which makes my range of pictures used open up, and it also includes an advertisment, which I will feature a local Business in, emphasizing on the Local Genre.