Monday 5 July 2010

Monday 5th July 2010: Questionnaire Results

After collecting my data via. Facebook, I made graphs for each of the questions. Here I have evaluated each graph and the answers I received.

Question 1

As you can see here, the highest amount of people is 6 out of 10. This means that 6 out of the 10 people asked never buy there Local Newspaper. This could mean that their Local Newspaper is free, as some are. The rest of the numbers are low. Could this possibly be because the news in Local
Newspapers don't feature news that the age group
find interesting? If local teens were featured
in Local Newspapers more, would they buy it ?

Question 2

This graph shows the type of news reported in Local Newspapers. As you can see, the most news reported is Success. I would like to incorporate Success into my newspaper, as I think it is a positive thing to be looking at in Local
Community's, when someone achieves something never before done by someone in the area.

Question 3

This graph shows the answers to "Do you think Local Newspapers Offer news for a wide range of Ages?". As you can see, the majority of the people answered No. This could be because the people asked were 14-21 year olds, therefore what is in the news may not appeal to them.

Question 4

6 people believed their local area was seen in the right light, whereas 4 didn't . This could be because the people asked were all from different areas, and could have different opinions.

Question 5

This question I think is important to the age group I asked. The age group I asked were either in school/university or been in school/university, therefore they would know if the schools in their local area had been featured in newspapers.

Question 6

Lastly I asked if they were happy with the service provided by their Local newspaper. 8 out of 10 people said they were happy. 2 people said they weren't. This could be because the news being reported wasn't what the age group questioned was looking for.

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