Friday 2 July 2010

Friday 2nd July 2010: Research using Questionnaire


Here I have prepared a questionnaire, researching into the type of news people see in their local newspapers. I have tried to base the questionnaire on the news I want to feature in my local newspaper. I will turn my answers into graphs to represent my findings. My Target Audience for the questionnaire is 14-25 year olds. This is because I think my main story will involve a high school student. To distribute my questionnaire, I plan on using Facebook. I think this is a good way to reach the target audience and easier for them to fill it out. It will make it a quicker and easier process for me also, to have all the information stored, therefore I won't have to transfer any over from paper to the computer. I will ask 10 people. My results and graphs will be shown on the next post.
Local Newspaper Questionnaire

1) How often do you buy your local town newspaper?
-1-3 days of the week
-3-7 days of the week

2) What kind of news do you think your local paper features most?
-business news
-crime in the area
-local sport
-local success

3) Do you think your newspaper offers news for a wide range of ages?

4) Do you think the local newspaper sees your local area in the right light? (For example; Are some areas represented in a bad way, crime, etc)

5) Does your newspaper recieve news on local schools?

6) Lastly, are you happy with the service your local newspaper provides?

Thank you for completing this questionnaire

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