Monday 6 December 2010

Monday 6th December 2010: Front Page Development

Here is the screenshot development of my Front Page for my Newspaper:

As you can see I have started with the Masthead, adding in the Logo.

Here, I have added the Price and Date, beneath the Masthead.

I have added in the Sub-Headline as part of the sports section. I will include a picture in here. I have also used the Fonts I have looked at in previous posts.

I have added in the Main Headline/Story and the sub-headline. As you cna see, aI have changed the background of the Sports section to black, to establish that they are different storys/sections.

Here I have included a close up of the story and the Sub-heading. As this is my first draft, I am going to show what changes I am going to make in my next post.

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