Tuesday 22 June 2010

Tuesday 22nd June 2010: Brief

I have decided on the Brief I am going to do for this peice of coursework, and that is:

The First two pages of a new local newspaper, together with two of the three options:
  • A Poster for the newspaper*
  • A Radio Advertisement for the newspaper*
  • Two hyperlinked pages from the paper's website

*- These are the two options that I have chosen for my coursework, along with the first two pages of the newspaper.

The mediums for my chosen Brief are Audio and Print, and I will require audio equiptment for the Radio Advertistment. The purpose for the Newspaper is to bring news to people. In this case,It is local news, and therefore I am going to create a newspaper that will attract locals from a town/community. I will write about my target audience further in my Research/Planning. The Newspaper will include things that are affecting locals in a town or community.

I will be doing my work in this order:

  • Local Newspaper Work
  • Poster for Local Newspaper (A3)
  • Radio Advertisement

I will be using this blog throughout all of my work, As I have experience using a blogger from last year. My photographs, Sketches, and any other work will be scanned and put onto here.

The two pages that I will be creating for the Local Newspaper are going to be the Front page, and an Article Page.

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