Monday 28 June 2010

Monday 28th June 2010: Codes & Conventions Of Local/National Newspapers

Here I have a image of a local newspaper in my area. I am going to be looking at the Codes and Conventions of local newspapers/newspapers in general. Newspaper Codes & Conventions are the points that create a typical newspaper look, for example, the 'Red Top' newspapers are the newspapers that feature the name of the newspaper in a red box at the top, with the date, and Price underneath. Examples of 'Red Tops' are The Sun, The Mirror, and the Daily Star. These types of newspapers feature celebrity news, as well as some International news. There is also the 'Broadsheet' newspaper. These are usually the middle-upper class stereotypical newspapers that feature world news, with financial and business news. Examples of these newspapers are The Times, The Observer, and The Guardian.

Codes and Conventions of Newspapers

  • Masthead, usually in colour for local newspapers, for example the Echo is in red, The Daily Post is in blue, unlike broadsheet newspapers like the Times, or The Mail, which are in Black.

  • Seperated into sections, main headline, bold, big writing, then other headlines that are smaller, around the page, with some pictures.

  • Banner underneath the Masthead, with Date/Price/Area Sold written in.

  • First sentance of the Main headline article in Bold. then normal, then "continued on Page.." etc.

  • The Main headline is a big story, to draw attention to the Audience. The headline is local news (like the whole newspaper) and includes news that is dramatic and unexpected in the area, so it is attracting local area readers.

  • Byline is the line that is underneath the article that has been written, that states the name of the writer.

Local Newspaper Codes & Conventions

Local newspaper Codes & Conventions are mostly the same as the previous list of Codes and Conventions.

  • An Advertisement Section, usually including Cars, Items people are selling. As well as Houses for Rent/Sale in that specific Area
  • Local Stories (as well as national stories)
  • Local Sports, usually located on the back pages, featuring Local Team News. Along with some National Sporting News.
  • Birthday/Obituary Section for Local people.

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Tuesday 22nd June 2010: Brief

I have decided on the Brief I am going to do for this peice of coursework, and that is:

The First two pages of a new local newspaper, together with two of the three options:
  • A Poster for the newspaper*
  • A Radio Advertisement for the newspaper*
  • Two hyperlinked pages from the paper's website

*- These are the two options that I have chosen for my coursework, along with the first two pages of the newspaper.

The mediums for my chosen Brief are Audio and Print, and I will require audio equiptment for the Radio Advertistment. The purpose for the Newspaper is to bring news to people. In this case,It is local news, and therefore I am going to create a newspaper that will attract locals from a town/community. I will write about my target audience further in my Research/Planning. The Newspaper will include things that are affecting locals in a town or community.

I will be doing my work in this order:

  • Local Newspaper Work
  • Poster for Local Newspaper (A3)
  • Radio Advertisement

I will be using this blog throughout all of my work, As I have experience using a blogger from last year. My photographs, Sketches, and any other work will be scanned and put onto here.

The two pages that I will be creating for the Local Newspaper are going to be the Front page, and an Article Page.